Explore Our List of Edible Flowers for Your Next Recipe
Sourcing from the following resources: Flowerpaedia (2018), authored by environmental artist and floral specialist, Cheralyn Darcey, Encyclopedia Britannica, britannica.com (sourced in 2020), and 100 Edible + Healing Flowers: Cultivating, Cooking, Restoring Health, (2014) authored by herbalist and arborist, Margaret Roberts, Florboxoxo has curated a list for the top 6 most common edible flowers you may have already sampled! - OXO
1. Roses Edible Flowers
(Rosacea genus) represents love, respect, courage, passion, lust, relationship, unity, and beauty. Choose perfectly formed rosebuds that are just opening. Throughout baking or placing, roses often keep their shape and is tender and sweet to taste. These flowers can be sourced from regions of the northern hemisphere and are native to Asia, North America, and Europe. (Photography by Marina Reich)

2. Violets Edible Flowers
(Viola odorata) represents steadfastness, loyalty, humility, constancy, shyness, protection from deception, and protection from inebriation. This flower is often used in herbal teas to create a calming and relaxing effect, and it is great to use when making a cheesecake or paired with cheese, chocolate, and wine. Among the most common North American species are the common blue, or meadow, violet (V. papilionacea) and the bird’s-foot violet (V. pedata).
Caution: Do not confuse this violet with the African Violet plant , which is poisonous!
(Photography by Danny G.)

3. Echinacea Edible Flowers
(Echinacea purpurea) represents higher self, strength, physical strength, immunity, healing, dignity, wholeness, and integrity. Otherwise referred to as coneflower, this flower is a purple-flowered perennial of the genus Echinacea. Especially E. Angustifolia and E. Purpurea, often are cultivated as border plants. Echinacea petals are fresh tasting and tender; these tasty petals can be sautéed with vegetables or baked with potatoes and chicken. Echinacea has origins of weedy plants in the family Asteraceae, all native to North America. (Photography by Annemarie Grudën)

4. Chives Edible Flowers
(Allium schoenoprasum) represents protection from negativity, protection of home, weight-loss and health, and long life. Chives are small perennial plants of the amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae), and are related to the onion. The leaves can be used fresh or dried and are a common seasoning for food such as meats, soups, salads, and vegetables. Chives can be chopped and seasoned over a variety of dishes ranging from pasta dishes to stir fries, and further increasing immune-boosting benefits. (Photography by Rob Pumphrey)

5. Lavender Edible Flowers
(Lavandula stoechas) represents cleansing, protection, grace, trust, and I admire you. Lavender species are common in herb gardens and can be sprinkled over a salad, and the leaves can be added to soups and meat dishes. Lavender is also a great source to serve as a key ingredient when marinating meat. For the best flavor, use Lavandula intermedia "Margaret Roberts". Lavender consists of about 30 species of the mint family (Lamiaceae) and are native to countries bordering the Mediterranean. (Photography by Emily Wade)

6. Field of Poppy Edible Flowers
(Papaver rhoeas) represents memory, continuous, sacrifice, revelations, and you are always in my memory. Otherwise known as "Shirley" Poppy is descended from the field poppy and is available in a wide range of colors. From field poppy seed heads to petals, the flower can be used to decorate fruit salads, it can be baked in muffins, or to spice brandy, the recipes are endless! Most poppies are found in the Northern Hemisphere, and several species of poppies are cultivated as garden ornamentals.
Caution: Do not confuse the field poppy with the opium poppy!
(Photography by Alyssa Stevenson)

- Need more flowers to brighten your day? Review our Floral Design Portfolio
Sources For This Article
Author - Naia Geni | Floral Designer | Senior Editor | @naiageni
Flowerpaedia (2018) | Cheralyn Darcey
Check out a tasty recipe for a grilled aubergine salad with eggs and nasturtium flowers by Margaret Roberts! This recipe can be featured with your next grilling dish for the summer season. Spice up your summer menu with family and friends with a tasty edible flowers recipe! Read More

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Our mission is to communicate meaningful floriography by curating expressive designs for a rewarding experience with nature. From our online shop based in Denver, Colorado, our florists partner with professional arborists to arrange a creative blend of fashionably fun flowers delivered for any celebration!